Saving for College

With college costs increasing at twice the rate of inflation, it is important to start saving early. Interest working for you now in a regular savings program is much better than having interest work against you in the future in the form of education loans. Use our college savings calculator to determine how much you should be saving for college on a regular basis.

Taxable vs. Tax-Deferred

Tax-deferral can have a dramatic effect on the growth of an investment. Use this calculator to determine the future value of an investment being subject to income tax each year versus deferring the tax until withdrawal.

Savings Growth

It may surprise you how much more you could accumulate in savings simply by repositioning assets to potentially achieve a higher return. Even a one, two or three percent return over a short number of years can make a noticeable difference.

Roth IRA Conversion

A Roth IRA is a great way for clients to create tax-free income from their retirement assets. Yet, keep in mind that when you convert your taxable retirement assets into a Roth IRA you will generally pay ordinary income tax on the taxable amount that is converted.


Risk Profiler

On your way home from work, do you drive in the slow lane or the fast lane? Each person has a different propensity for risk. When investing, this risk propensity can be used to determine the percentage of your portfolio that is exposed to equities. Complete the following questionnaire to help determine your risk profile.

Retirement Savings

Retirement can be the saddest or happiest day of your life. This pre-retirement calculator will help you determine how well you have prepared and what you can do to improve your retirement outlook. It is important that you re-evaluate your preparedness on an ongoing basis.


Paycheck Analyze

Contributions to a qualified plan, participation in a company-sponsored cafeteria plan, change in filing status, or the number of allowances claimed will have a direct impact on take-home pay. For example, due to federal tax savings, contributions to a qualified plan do not translate into a direct dollar-for-dollar tradeoff on take-home pay. Use this calculator to help compare your current situation to what-if scenarios.

Number of Periods

Compound interest can have a dramatic affect on the growth of a single deposit. Use this calculator to determine how many years an existing savings account will take to reach your stated objective.

LTC Insurance Need

There are basically three ways to fund your long-term care needs: self-insure, qualify for Medicaid or obtain long-term care insurance. Use this calculator to determine your potential long-term care needs and how long your current assets might last.

Loan Acceleration

Over the course of loan amortization, you will spend hundreds, thousands, and maybe even hundreds of thousands in interest. By making a small additional monthly payment toward principal, you can greatly accelerate the term of the loan and, thereby, realize tremendous savings in interest payments. Use our extra payment calculator to determine how much more quickly you may be able to pay off your debt.